The department of Business Administration works closely with the departments of Accounting & Finance and Management Science, which are both in the School of Business. Also, the department services the School of Humanities and Social Sciences and School of Education
Academic Staff and Specialisations
The department has 33 academic members of staff who hold diverse specialisations in different fields including: Management, Marketing, Entrepreneurship and Strategic Management.
Department's Specialty and Branding
The department offers a curriculum designed to help students prepare themselves for service in the broad field of business by applying sound business principles as either creative employees or entrepreneurs by being able to combine knowledge, skills and experiences to recognise opportunities or problems, identify alternative solutions, make choices and implement decisions.
Mission Statement:
The mission of the Department of Business Administration is to provide quality education and training in human resource, marketing and other Business Management related disciplines by promoting scholarship, Service, Innovation, Creativity and application of up to date technology.
Vision Statement:
"To be a dynamic, an inclusive and a competitive centre of excellence in teaching, learning, research and service to humanity in Business Management disciplines.”
Identity Statement:
"The Department of Business Administration is a community of scholars committed to the generation and dissemination of knowledge using the best resource persons and latest technological facilities.
The department offers the following programmes
• PhD (Strategic Management)
• PhD (Marketing)
• Msc (Marketing)
• Msc (Entrepreneurship)
1. Bachelor of Commerce with the following options:
Areas of Specialization;
- B.Com (Accounting Option)
- B.Com (Actuarial Science Option)
- B.Com (Accounting Option)
- B.Com (Enterprenuership Option)
- iB.Com (Finance Option)
- B.Com (HRM Option)
- B.Com (Marketing Option)
- B.Com (Management Science Option)
2. Bachelor of Human Resource Management (BHRM)
The following shall be eligible for admission into Bachelors of Human Resource Development programme.
a)Mean grade of KCSE C+ or equivalent with at least C in Mathematics and English.
b)A-Level certificate with 2 principal passes and a credit pass in Mathematics at ‘O’ Level
c)Degree from a recognized university.
d)Mean grade of C (plain) at KCSE and C (plain) in Mathematics and English plus a Diploma in Human Resource Development and/or a diploma relevant to disciplines in business from an institution recognized by Kenyatta University Senate.
Modes of study
The programme will be run on three main modes:
a)Full time,
b)Open Learning and,
Duration and Pattern
a) The Programme shall take a minimum of three years and a maximum of four years for fulltime students.
b) The Programme shall take a minimum of four years and maximum of six years for part time students.
c) The Programme consists of a total of forty nine (49) units.
d) Students are expected to take seven units the first semester, first year and six units in the other consecutive semesters.
e) Students will take a maximum of seven (7) and minimum of three (3) coursework units per semester.
• Business Management
• Marketing
In any of the two options, students will be required to take:
• University required units
• School Core Units
• Department Required Units
The Programmes are offered through Full-time, Part-time and Distance learning.
The department has external examiners. That is:-
Prof Nyambegera Stephen M.
Prof. Martin Ogutu
Prof. Damary Sikalieh
Prof. Michael Kirwa Korir
Prof. Justus Munyoki
Research Impact Articles
- Moranga Getii Kevin, Job Omagwa (2017), Debtors Management and Financial Performance of Selected Microfinance Institutions at Nairobi City County In Kenya, International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 7, Issue 12, December 2017 464 ISSN 2250-3153
- Jerop Toroitich, Dr. Job Omagwa (2017), Credit Risk Management and Performance of Loan Portfolios among Saccos in Kisumu County, Kenya The International Journal Of Business & Management (ISSN 2321–8916) Vol 5 Issue 11
- Mumbi Wanjugu Mercylynne, Job Omagwa,(2017) Credit Risk Management And Financial Performance Of Selected Commercial Banks In Kenya,IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM) e-ISSN: 2278-487X, p-ISSN: 2319-7668. Volume 19, Issue 11. Ver. VII (November. 2017), PP 92-98
- Hassan Issack Bulle, Job Omagwa,(2017) Financial Management and Financial Performance of Firms Listed under Manufacturing and Allied Sector at the Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya. The International Journal Of Business & Management (ISSN 2321–8916) Vol 5 Issue 11
- Joseph Kamunya, Job Omagwa (2017), Bancassurance and Profitability of Selected Commercial Banks in Kenya,The International Journal Of Business & Management (ISSN 2321–8916) Vol 5 Issue 11
- Irene Njoki Mbugua, Job Omagwa,2017, Agency Banking and Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Embu County, Kenya. International Academic Journal of Economics and Finance | Volume 2, Issue 3, pp. 348-367
- Amphah S., Jagongo A., Omagwa J. and Fringpong S.,Effect of Internet Banking on Financial Performance of Listed Commercial Banks in Kenya.Journal of Business & Management- Vol. 5, No. 10 (2017)
- Edwin Mutura & Job Omagwa (2017) Challenges associated with Adoption of Agency Banking and Bank Performance: A Case of Selected Commercial Banks in Kenya. Journal of Business and Management- Vol. 19, No.4 (2017)
- Gladys Mwaniki, Job Omagwa,(2017), Asset Structure and Financial Performance: A Case of Firms Quoted under Commercial and Services Sector at the Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya Research Journal of Finance and Accounting-Vol. 8, No. 4
- Job Omagwa, Elijah Kihooto,Grace Reardon,(2017) Oil Retail Pricing and Price Controls: A Case of Oil Marketing Sector in Kenya Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development- Vol. 8, No.2
- Job Omagwa,Lucy Wamugo,(2016), A Profile of Urban Owner-Occupied Residential Households’ Characteristics in Nairobi City County, Kenya,Developing Country Studies,ISSN 2224-607X,ISSN 2225-0565,Vol 6, No.7, 2016
- Job Omagwa,Robert Odunga (2016),Securitization and the Subprime Mortgage Crisis of 2007-2008 ,Research Journal of Finance and Accounting,Vol.7,No.10,109-115.
- Bonface Ritho M, & Ambrose., Jagongo (2015): Mobile Banking and Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya. International Journal of Finance and Current Business Studies 4 (12)16-31.
- Jagongo A. and M. A. Mokaya (2015): The Effect of Ownership Structure on the Financial Performance of Firms Listed at The Nairobi Securities Exchange. International journal of Finance and Accounting. vol 4, issue 11, 2015, ISSN 6307-2305 Page |1
- Wasike. W.T., & Jagongo. A. (2015): Determinants of Dividend Policy in Kenya, International Journal of Arts and Entrepreneurship 4 (11), 71-80.
- Musau,S. A., & Jagongo. A. (2015): (2015): Analysis of the Utilization of Agency Banking on the Performance of Kenyan Banks. International Journal of Finance and Accounting 4 (12), 1-16.
- Jagongo . A. & Wangari J. K. (2015). Integrated Financial Management Information System (IFMIS) and Credit Scoring in Cooperative Societies: A Survey of Deposit Taking Saccos in Nyeri County, Kenya. International Journal off Innovative Research & Development, IJIRD, Vol. 4,, Issue 13,, December, 2015
- Cheche, S.G. & Muathe, S.M.A., (2014): A Critical Review of Literature on Performance Contracting: Global Journal of Commerce & Management Perspective.Vol.3 (6):65-70 ISSN: 2319-7285.
- Ndung’u, P. W., & Muathe, S.M.A., (2014): A Critical Review of Literature on Organizational Politics and Work Outcomes: The International Journal of Business & Management Perspective. Vol. 2. Issues 12 158-165 ISSN: 2321-8916.
- Ngeno, W.K. & Muathe, S.M.A., (2014:. A Critical Review of Literature on Employees Wellness Programs in Kenya: International Journal of Research in Social Sciencese.Vol.4. No.8 Page 32-41. ISSN: 2307-227X.
- Marwa, M.S., & Muathe, S.M.A., (2014): A Critical Review of Literature on Job Designs in Socio-technical Systems: Global Journal of Commerce & Management Perspective.Vol.3 (6):44-49 ISSN: 2319-7285.
- Mungai, J.N., Maingi J., & Muathe, S.M.A., (2014): Effect of Borrower Characteristics on Government Funded Micro-Credit Initiatives in Murang’a County, Kenya: International Journal of Innovative Research and Development. Vol.5. Issues 11, Page 171-181. ISSN: 2278-0211(Online)
- Mungai, J.N., Maingi J., & Muathe, S.M.A., (2014): Loan Repayment and Sustainability of Government Funded Micro-Credit Initiatives in Murang’a County, Kenya: International Journal of Business and Social Science.Vol.5.No.10. (1) Page 194-207.
- Muli, J.V., Muathe, S., & Muchiri, M.(2014). Human Resource Work- Family Support and Employees’ Performance within the Banking Industry inNairobi County, Kenya. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Vol. 4, No. 7. ISSN 2220-8488
- Karanja, S. C, Muathe, S.M.A, Thuo, J. K (2014). Marketing Capability and the Performance of Mobile Service Provider. Organizations in Nairobi County, Kenya. International Journal of Education and Research Vol. 2 No. 5 May 2014. ISSN: 2201-6333 (Print) ISSN: 2201-6740
- Mwangi, L. W., Muathe, S.M., Kosimbei, G. (2014). Effects of Working Capital Management on Performance of Non-Financial Companies Listed In NSE, Kenya. European Journal of Business and Management. ISSN (Paper) 2222-1905 ISSN (Online) 2222-2839. Vol.6, No.11, 2014.
- Mwangi, L.W., Muathe, S. M., Kosimbei, G. (2014). Relationship between Capital Structure and Performance of Non -Financial Companies Listed In the Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya. Global Journal of Contemporary Research in Accounting, Auditing and Business Ethics. (ISSN: 2311-3162) 2014 Vol: 1 Issue 2.
- Mwencha, P.M., Muathe. S. M., & Thuo, J.K (2014). Effects of Perceived Attributes, Perceived Risk and Perceived Value on Usage of Online Retailing Services: Journal of Management Research ISSN1941-899X, 2014, Vol. 6, No. 2.
- Reuben K.N., Muathe S. M., and Francis P.K., 2014, The Moderating Effect of Industrial Context on The relationship between Brand Equity and Consumer Choice in Branded Bottled Water Nairobi, Kenya. European Scientific Journal vol 10, No.4 ISSN: 1857-7881/1857-7431
- Waithaka, S. T., Muathe, S., Mburu, T.K., & Korir, J., (2013). The Relationship between Technological Factors and Inter-Organizational Information Systems Adoption by Universities in Kenya. International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology, Vol. 2 Issues No.11 pp. 1074-1082 (ISSN 2277-1581).
- Waithaka. S., Kimani, T. M., Korir, J., Muathe, S., and Obere, A, Organizational Factors That Influence The Adoption Of Inter-Organizational Information Systems By Universities In Kenya,International Journal of Education and Research, Vol. 1. No. 8 ISSN: 2201-6333 (Print) ISSN: 2201-6740
- Waithaka, S.T., Kimani, T. M, Koror, J. & Muathe S,Environmental Factors that influence Supply Chain Management Implementation in the Manufacturing Industries in Kenya: A Case of Manufacturing Industries in Nairobi, Kenya,Waithaka, S.T., Kimani, T. M, Koror, J. & Muathe S,ABC Journal of Advanced Research, Volume 1, No 2 (2012) ISSN 2304-2621.
- Kwenin, D. O. Muathe, S. and Nzulwa, R., (2013). The Influence of Employee Rewards, Human Resource Policies and Job Satisfaction on the Retention of Employees in Vodafone Ghana Limited; European Journal of Business and Management, Vol 5, No 12, ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839
- Njagi, E. N., Muathe, S.M.A., and Muchemi, A., W., (2013): Analysis of Factors Influencing Formulation of Strategic plans in Embu North District, Embu County, Kenya: Global Business and Economics Research Journal ISSN: 2302- 4593 Vol. 2 (5): 116-129
- Mberia, P. M., Ofafa, G. A., Muathe, S.M.A., & Muli, J. (2013), Empirical Investigation on the Relationship between Technological Infrastructure and Government policies on Effective Operation of M-Payment Systems in Kenya, International Journal of Arts and Commerce ISSN 1929-7106, Vol.2 No. 1/15
- Muathe Stephen Makau A, Nelson H. Were Wawire, Gorretty A. Ofafa, 2013, International Journal of Arts and Commerce, An Empirical Study on the Relationship Between Organizational Factors and Adoption of ICT among Health Related SMEs in Nairobi, Kenya
- Ochoti, G. N, Muathe, S., Kibet, P. R., Maronga, E., & Ochoti, F. O,Corporate Social Responsibility, Client Satisfaction and Competitive advantage in retail banking institutions in Kenya.
- Ochoti, G., N., Maronga, E., Muathe, S., Nabwanga, R., N., & Ronoh, P., K., (2012), Factors Influencing Employee Performance Appraisal System: A Case of the Ministry of State for Provincial Administration & Internal Security, Kenya., International Journal of Business and Social Science (IJBSS) Vol. 3 No. 20 [Special Issue – October 2012]
- Namusonge, M. J. (2014). Linking competencies with strategies: The case of small and medium- sized exporting firms in Kenya. International Journal of Social Sciences and Entrepreneurship, 1 (11), 418-439.
- Mwangi, ,S. Martin &Namusonge M.J. (2014) Influence of Innovation on Small and Medium enterprises (SMEs) Growth. International Journal for Innovation education and Research. Vol2 06 102 -112.
- Bula H. (2015).Doctoral Association of Eastern Africa April Newsletter-A monthly Publication. What do Universities do-Educate or train?……….April 2015pdf
- Mutambuki M and Bula H.(2014) Marketing strategies of Commercial Fish Farming Under Econ
- Jedidah Vika Muli,Stephen Muathe PhD ,Michael Muchiri PhD,(2014),Human Resource Work- Family Support Services and Employees’ Performance within the Banking Industry in Nairobi County, Kenya,International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Vol. 4, No. 7; May 2014.omic Stimulus Programme… 4
- No 8 1 June….12.pdf
- Philip Wambua Peter,Gorretti Ofafa , Samuel Otor,Cush L. Ngonzo,Performance Contracting and Academic Staffers Administrative Work Systems’ for Service Delivery in Selected Kenyan Universities,International Journal of Innovative Research & Development
- Philip Wambua Peter ,Gorretty Ofafa,Samuel Otor,Cush L.Nngonzo,2014,Teaching Workload Analysis for Performance Contracting and Service Delivery in the Academic Setting of Kenya,International Journal of Innovative Research & Development
- Philip Wambua Peter, Cush L.Ngonzo,Clifford Waema,Mary Namusonge,2014, Competitive Strategies' Effects on the Market Share of Independent Petroleum Companies in Kenya, International Journal of Innovative Research and Development 3 (5), 5
Student Research
Title |
Student |
Status |
Influence of Strategic Human Resource Management practices on organizational performance in parastatals in Kenya |
Mr. David Kiiru |
Defended at School Level |
ISO Certification and Performance of Manufacturing Companies in Kenya |
Mrs. Rosemarie Wanyoike |
Defended at School Level |
Effects of Social marketing Execution on Behavioral change of youth in the slums of Nairobi County, Kenya |
Ms. Elishiba MurigiD86/CTY/22827/2012 |
Defended at School Level |
Organizational Strategic Intent Execution and Performance of Universities in Kenya |
Ms. Charity Muraguri |
Defended at Departmental Level |
Strategy Implementation Attributes and Performance of Organizations in the Energy Sector in Kenya |
Mr. Caleb Kirui |
Defended at Departmental Level |
Role of Distinctive Competencies on Organization Performance in the Alcohol Industry in Kenya. |
Mr. Nahashon Langat D86/CTY/22873/2012. |
Defended at Departmental Level |
Quality Management Strategies and Performance of Oil Marketing Companies in Kenya |
Mrs. Patricia Kungu |
Defended at Departmental Level |
Women Entrepreneurs Participation and Poverty Reduction In Bauchi State, Nigeria |
Mr. Simeon Asen D86F/CTY/24656/2011 |
Defended at School Level |
Organization Development Interventions and Academic Staff Productivity in Chartered State Universities in Kenya |
Mr. Charles Mutisya Munyao |
Defended at School Level |
Effect of Competitive Intelligence Practices on the Performance of firms listed at the Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya |
Mr. Paul Waithaka D86/CTY/26970/2013 |
Defended at School Level |
Effects of organizational resources, sustainable competitive advantage and firm’s performance of mobile phone industry in Kenya |
Mrs. Jane Gakenia D86/CTY/25170/2012 |
Defended at School Level |