In Line With Strategic Plan the School has aggressively looked for and linked with professional bodies for the areas of study of the academic programmes in the school to improve the competitive edge of our students and increase their networking opportunities. So far the school has linkages with the following professional bodies;

1.Association of African Business School Membership
The School of business is a member of Association of African Business School. AABS supports graduate business schools through capacity building, collaboration and quality improvement programmes for deans and faculty from African Business Schools. AABS Connect provides an opportunity for discussion, expression of member’s views and interests and an opportunity for thought leaders in management education to gather and share ideas.

2.ACCA Ambassador
The Bachelor of Commerce (Finance) and Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) got professionally accredited by the ACCA. The School has gone further and selected ACCA ambassadors who are a group of students of Finance and Accounting to act as a liaison between the school and ACCA. ACCA Ambassador is a two-year program organized by the Associate of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) to equip young people with the necessary skills to use in their future workplace and provide them the opportunities to network with other potential candidates

3.Institute of Human Resource Management (IHRM)
The School has linked with The Institute of Human Resource Management (IHRM), the professional body of Human Resource Management practitioners in Kenya. This is to ensure that our students get professional certification relevant to Human Resource Management Specialization.

4.Marketing Society of Kenya (MSK)
Marketing students in the school have an association called MSAKU- Marketing Students Association of Kenyatta University. This association has a linkage with the Marketing Society of Kenya where they engage on the following activities;
•Professional Membership
•MSK gala dinners where students get to meet various players in the industry presenting them networking opportunities.
•Training and certification
•Talks and forums on marketing issues
•Attachments and industry experience.

5. The Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) Training

Kenyatta University through the school of Business wrote proposal to The Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) to train on Business and Entrepreneurship, the School won the bid to train the trainees, and so far the school has conducted two training sessions successfully to two groups of 50 trainees from East and Central Africa on 4th August and 8th September 2015.

The Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) was launched by President of the United States Barack Obama as a signature effort to invest in the next generation of African leaders. In July 2014, U.S. President Obama announced the creation of four Regional Leadership Centers in Ghana, Kenya, Senegal, and South Africa. In Kenya, Kenyatta University was chosen, through competitive bidding to be the home of YALI for East Africa, the YALI Regional Leadership Center East Africa, located at Kenyatta University in Nairobi, will serve 14 countries in East and Central Africa. The Center is overseen by Deloitte East Africa and is supported by a growing number of African and international partners and is housed at Chandaria Business and Innovation Centre at the University. The School prides itself for being the only school from the University to be awarded the contract to conduct the training and be part of the contributors in the next generation of African leaders.

6. ACCA Accreditation
Kenyatta University Bachelor of Commerce-Accounting and Bachelor of Commerce-Finance are ACCA Accredited Programmes.