Areas of Specialization: 1. Education 2. Women/Girls Education 3. Family and Consumer Economics 4. Research Methods and Statistics
Professional Affiliation
Chairperson, Kenya Home Economics Association Member, Association of African Women in Research and Development Member, Home Economics Association for Africa
Membership of Boards
Vice-President – International Association of Universities Member-Kenya National Examinations Council Member-Lake Victoria Research Awards Initiative’s Scientific Advisory Committee. Member-Functional Illiteracy Research and Education Board Member -AAU’s Working Group on Higher Education. Member -Africa-US Higher Education Initiative Advisory Board. Member -Working Group on Higher Education (a committee of Association of African Universities). Member -Partnership for Higher Education in Africa Steering Committee Member-Moi Girls High School Board of Governors, Kamangu, Kiambu
Funded Projects:
- Mapping Out Best Practices for Improving Access to Higher Education for Orphaned and Vulnerable Students in Kenya and Rwanda funded by the Association of African Universities
- Kenyatta University Reforms Project, funded by Partnership for Higher Education in Africa
- Enhancing Female Participation and Performance in Mathematics, Science and Information Technology in Primary Education in Kenya: Intervention Strategies: Funded by The Rockefeller Foundation
- Enhancing Female Participation and Performance in Mathematics, Science and Information Technology in University Education in Kenya: Intervention Strategies. Funded by the Ford Foundation
- Review of the Kenyatta University Strategic Plan. Proposal funded by The Rockefeller Foundation
- US – Kenya Citizens Exchange Program, A Proposal funded by the State Department, Bureau of Cultural Affairs
- Intervention Strategies to fight HIV/AIDs at Kenyatta University; publication of HIV/AIDs Policy. Funded by National Aids Control Council (NACC).
- Proposal on Regional Conference on the Role of Universities in the Attainment of Millennium Development Goals. Funded by AICAD, IUCEA, DAAD and OSSREA
- Kathuri-Ogola, L.N., Mugenda, O. and Kerre., F. (2014). Challenges Faced and the Coping Strategies Adopted by Family Caregivers in Dealing with People Living with HIV/AIDS in Thika District, Central Province, Kenya. The International Journal of Humanities and Social Science(IJHSS) 4(6): 184-193. © Center for Promoting Ideas, USA, 2014 (ISSN: 2220-8488 (Print), 2221-0989 (Online)).
- Mugenda, A.G. and Mugenda, A., 2013. Qualitative research methods. Applied Research and Training Services. Nairobi, Kenya.
- Mugenda, A.G. and Mugenda, A.G., 2012. Research methods dictionary. Nairobi, Kenya: Applied Research & Training Services.
- Olive, M.M. and Abel, G.M., 2010. Research methods.
- Higher Education in Kenya: Challenges and Opportunities, African Higher Education Collaborative, 2008
- Financing University Education in Kenya: The Role of Stakeholders, Higher Education Loans Board, 2008
- Enhancing Access to University Education in Kenya, 2007
- University Roles in Meeting Aspirations for ICT and Economic Development, Partnership for Higher Education in Africa, 2006
- Higher Education Policy, Research and International Collaboration, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 2006
- Gender Inequality in the Governance and Management of Higher Education, 2006
- Research Methods: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches, Africa Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS), (1999, Revised 2003)
- Life Skills, Sexual Maturation and Sanitation: What is (not) happening in our Schools ? An Exploratory Study in Kenya. Weaver Press, Zimbabwe, 2002
- Redefining and Actualizing Research in African Universities: A Multi-faceted Approach for the 21st Century, Journal of Practice in Education for Development, 5/2, 2000
- Iowa State University Distinguished Alumni Award,2008
- ESAMI Meritorious Award for exemplary academic performance in the MBA program, 2005/2007