Title: Prof
Associate Professor
Department: Community Resource Management and Extension
Tel No.: 810-901-19 ext.57022 (Office) 810087(House)
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Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=FG8FhJ4AAAAJ
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2595-5474 
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Book Chapters

  • Ngige, L.W., Ondigi, A.N. & Wilson, S.M. (2008). Family Diversity in Kenya. In C.B. Hennon & S.M. Wilson (Eds.). Families in a global context. New York: Routledge. pp 207-231. ISBN: 978-0-7890-2708-5 www.routledge.com.

Articles in referred Journals

  • Akomaning, E., L., Mugambi, R. & Ondigi, A. (2023). Linen Quantity and Customer Satisfaction in Star-Rated Hotels in Upper East Region of Ghana. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Management, 6(4), 23-31. https://doi.org/10.53819/81018102t30113
  • Edward M. Mumbo Redemptta Mutisya, and Alice Ondigi (2021); Unmet Need for Contraception Use among HIV Positive Women in Kwale County, Kenya, African Journal of Health Sciences Volume 34, Issue No.6, November - December 2021
  • Lesaibile Moses Lentu, Rosemarie Khayiya and Alice Ondigi (2021) Influence of Strategic Orientation on Performance of Publicly Owned Hotel Enterprises in Kenya. European Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research Vol.9, No.1, pp.37-57, 2021 Print ISSN: ISSN 2054-6424(Print), Online ISSN: ISSN 2054-6432(Online)
  • Mutie, L. M.,1* Ondigi, A.,2 & Letema, S (2020) Influence of community hygiene practices on safe water and sanitation among mothers of under five year olds in Migwani division, Kitui county: Vol. 7, Iss. 1, pp 653– 663. www.strategicjournals.com, ©Strategic Journals
  • Gachara F. W., Ngige L.W., Ondigi A (2018). Perspectives of orphans and vulnerable children towards charitable children’s institutions of care. International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Research, Vol. 6, Issue 3, pp.307-316. ISSN: 2348-3164 (Online); ISSN 2348-3156 (Print). www.researchpublish.com
  • Mugambi, R. M, Imungi J.K., Waudo J.N, Ondigi A (2016). Relationship between Mothers’ Socio Demographic Characteristics and food Security Status in Kangai and Mutithi Locations of Mwea West Sub County, Kenya. Food Science and Quality Management Journal – IISTE – ISSN (print)2224-6086, ISSN (online) 2225-0557, Vol 58, 2016.
  • Mugambi, R. M, Imungi J.K., Waudo J.N, Ondigi A (2017). Mothers’ and Households Food Security Status in Kangai and Mutithi Locations of Mwea West Sub County, Kenya. Food Science and Quality Management Journal – IISTE – ISSN (print)2224-6086, ISSN (online) 2225-0557, Vol 58, 2016.
  • Mugambi, R. M, Imungi J.K., Waudo J.N, Ondigi A (2017). Relationship between Socio Demographic Characteristics and Risk factors for Micronutrient Utilization among Mothers in Mwea West Sub County, Kenya. Food Science and Quality Management Journal – IISTE – ISSN (print)2224-6086, ISSN (online) 2225-0557, Vol 59, 2017.
  • Omweno Lucy, Ondigi Alice, & Ogolla Lucy (2015), Socio-Cultural Factors Influencing Access to Reproductive Health Service Information among Youth in Korogocho slum of Nairobi, Kenya. Journal of Research on Humanities and Social Sciences – IISTE – ISSN (paper) 2224-5766, ISSN(online) 2225-0484, Vol.5, No. 14, 2015.
  • Ndayala Pheobe, Ondigi Alice, & Ngige Lucy (2015), Nature and Extent of HIV Self Disclosure by Seropostive Adults in HIV support Groups in Nairobi Count, Kenya. Journal of Research on Humanities and Social Sciences – IISTE – ISSN (paper) 2224-5766, ISSN(online) 2225-0484. Vol.5, No. 16, 2015.
  • Kieru N. jane, Ngige L, & Ondigi Alice (2015), Factors Associated with Reproductive Behavior of Low Income Mothers in Kiandutu Slum in Thika Municipality, Kenya. Asian Social Science Journal; Canadian Center of Science and education, ISSN 1911-2017, E_ISSN 1911-2025
  • Dr. Shem Maingi,Dr. Joe Wadawi and Dr. Alice Ondigi (2015):Market profiling and positioning of park brands in Kenya. (Case of Premium and Under-utilized parks in Kenya)International Journal of Tourism Research.ISSN: 1522-1970. DOI: 10.1002/jtr.2036
  • Dr. Shem Maingi, Dr. Joe Wadawi and Dr. Alice Ondigi 2014: Towards a Competitive framework for Park Branding in Kenya. (Case of Premium and Under-utilized parks in Kenya).J Tourism Res Hospitality, 2014 3:2http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2324-8807.1000141 3:2
  • Echesa C.A. P., Nyambaka H., Ondigi N.A., Omoterema S., Toil W., and Sande A., (2013) Variation of Micronutrients in Pumpkin Fruit Varieties Grown within the Victoria Basin. Journal of Food Science and Quality Management – IISTE- ISSN 2224-6088(print) ISSN 2224-0557(online) Vol. 17
  • Echesa P., Ondigi, A. N & Nyamabaka (2013) Micronutrient Analysis of Pumpkins Leaves (Cucurbita maxima, c. moschata, c. pepo and a gourd lageneria ) Grown by Small Holder Farmers For Food Security In The Lake Victoria Basin, East Africa. African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology.
  • Kuria, S. K., Wanderi P, & Ondigi A. N (2012) Hotel Employement in Kenya, contingent work or Professional career? International Journal of Academic Research in Business and social sciences July 2012, Vol.2, No-7 ISSN: 2222-6990
  • Ondigi A, N, & Ondigi S. R , (2012). The Influence of Poverty and well Being of the elderly people in Nyanza Province, Kenya. Asian Social Science Journal; Canadian Center of Science and education, AssVol 8, No. 2, February, 2012.
  • Kuria, S. K, Wanderi P, & Ondigi A. N (2011). Factors influencing labour turnover in star-rated Hotels in Nairobi, Kenya. International Journal Of Humanaities and Social Science, Centre for Promoting Ideas, USA. IJHSS Vol. 1 No. 20; December 2011 ISSN 2220-8488 (print) 2221-0989(online). http://www.ijhssnet.com/archive/621.html
  • Ondigi A, N, & Ondigi S.R , (2011). The Role Of Research In Teaching And Learning Processes In Kenyan Universities. International Journal of Business and Management Tomorrow Vol. 1 No. 2. ISSN 2249-9962
  • Ondigi, Alice. N; Mugenda Olive.M (2011), Psychosocial determinants of Quality of Life among Kenyan Families. International Journal Of Humanaities and Social Science, Centre for Promoting Ideas, USA. IJHSS VOL.1. NO.7. ISSN 2220-8488 (print) 2221-0989(online).
  • Ondigi A. N, Toil, W, Afhini T & Omuterema S (2008), Comparative Analysis of production and utilization of pumpkins (Cucurbita pepo and c. Maxima) by small holder farmers in the lake Victoria basin, East Africa. African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, AJESTX‐08‐014 Vol. 2 (9). Available online at http://www.academicjournals.org/AJest ISSN 1996-0786 © 2008 Academic Journals
  • Donald Maingi; Dr. Alice Ondigi; and Dr. Shem Maingi ( 2009 ) A critique of Tourism Management sector reforms in Kenya (Results vs Value driven approach) African Journal of Applied Human sciences ISSN 2070-917X
  • Ondigi, A. N. (2005) The influence of partner relationship and Social support to expectant women in Low income areas. Discovery And Innovation journal, vol 17 number ¾ pg 105-209. Dec ISSN1015-079X


a) Presentation of Papers at academic and Professional Conferences

  • Edward M. Mumbo Redemptta Mutisya, and Alice Ondigi(2021); Unmet Need for Contraception Use among HIV Positive Women in Kwale County, Kenya. Kenyatta University annual postgraduate seminars, Nairobi, Kenya
  • Lesaibile Moses Lentu, Rosemarie Khayiya and Alice Ondigi (2021) Influence of Strategic Orientation on Performance of Publicly Owned Hotel Enterprises in Kenya. Kenya. Kenyatta University annual postgraduate seminars, Nairobi, Kenya
  • Mutie, L. M.,1* Ondigi, A.,2 & Letema, S (2020) Influence of community hygiene practices on safe water and sanitation among mothers of under five year olds in Migwani division, Kitui county, Kenya. Kenyatta University annual postgraduate seminars, Nairobi, Kenya
  • Ondigi A N (2019). Intervention on household health eating habits exhibition booth at 1stInternational Food safety Conference on 20th-24thMay 2019 at BSSC, Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya.
  • Murungi C; Ondigi A. N, Khayiya R; Abere Y (2017) “Choice of Hotel facilities by disabled people visiting hotel facilities in Kenya”. Presented at The international conference of Marketing Hospitality and Tourism, held at Warbiner College, New York, USA on 27-31st May 2017.
  • Maingi, W. S, Ondigi, A. N, (2015):Tourism Destination Branding effectiveness in a developing country context” presented at The International Interdisciplinary Business-Economics Advancement Conference (IIBA Florida, 2015) held in Ft.Lauderdale, Florida, USA, between 28 March- 02 April, 2015.
  • Ondigi, A. & Maingi, W, S. Brand Consolidation and Strategy: The Economics of Brand Consolidation in East Africa. Hotel Summit East Africa Nairobi, Kenya August 2013
  • Maingi, W, S, Ondigi, A. N, & Wandawi J (2012), The role of Destination brands in influencing choices of wildlife-based Tourism in Kenya. Presented at a Travel and Tourism Research Association Conference held in June 17th -19th 2012 at Virginia Beach Resort hotel, Virginia, USA.
  • Pheobe N, Ngige, & Ondigi (2012). Relationship between emotional violence and HIV self-disclosure by PLWHIV to sexual partners, Presented during the Gender conference held at Kenyatta University , Nairobi, Kenya.
  • Maingi W. S, Ondigi, A. N, & Wandawi J (2011) The Impacts of Place Brands on Tourist Choice- behavior in Kenya. Paper presented during the Research week June 16th-17th 2011, At Strathmore University, Nairobi, Kenya
  • Mutsya M, Ondigi A, & Khayiya R (2010) The application of the All-inclusive holiday Concept at the Kenyan Coast. Paper presented at an International Research Symposium in service Management 1, Maurtius 2010
  • Echesa P., Ondigi, A. N & Nyamabaka (2011) Micronutrient Analysis of Pumpkins Leaves (Cucurbita maxima, c. moschata, c. pepo and a gourd lageneria ) Grown by Small Holder Farmers For Food Security In The Lake Victoria Basin, East Africa. Paper presented at an ethonobothany cluster workshop, held in Kampala, Uganda
  • Ondigi A. N & Mugenda O M (2010), Psychosocial determinants of Quality of Life among Kenyan adult population. Presented at the First PanAfric International Conference on Family Strength, July 21th - 24 th 2010 at NorthCoast Beach Hotel, Mombasa, Kenya.
  • Ondigi A, N & Ondigi S. R July, 2009, The role of universities in globalizing education’ presented at an International Conference on Education, July 10th-12th 2009, KUCC, Kenyatta university.
  • Ondigi A, N, Mayaka M, & wandawi J (2007). ‘ Community Tourism in Kenya’ presented during the 1st international conference of the Association of Hospitality schools in Africa (AHSA) Nov 12-14th 2007, Pretoria Hotel School, Cape Town, South Africa
  • Ondigi A, N, & Ondigi S.R (2006) , “The impact of poverty on the well being of older people in Nyanza province, Kenya.” Presented during the 8th Global conference of international federation for aging (IFA) 30th May -2nd June 2006, Copenhagen, Netherlands

b). Participation in workshop/conferences

  • March, 2019, Training on IAGG Federation of Education in Geriatrics - Africa Academy: Inaugural Introductory Course In Geriatric Medicine, Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya.
  • May 2019, 1st International Food Safety Conference, Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya.
  • August 2016, Status of Higher education in Kenya, Amphitheatre, Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya
  • August 2016, Training on palliative hospice care by Nairobi Hospice for non-health workers, Kenyatta University, BSSC, Kenya.
  • July 2016, Workshop on research methodology training, school of hospitality and tourism, Kenyatta University Amphethreater, Kenya
  • March, 2016, Workshop on hospitality and tourism sustainable and entrepreneur development, Kenyatta University Amphethreater, Kenya
  • July 2015, 4th ICE Pre-Conference workshop on information Literacy and Ethics, held at Kenyatta University Conference Center from 13th -14th 2015. Nairobi, Kenya
  • March, 2014, Senior University Managers’ workshop, held at Northcoast Beach Hotel Mombasa, Kenya
  • Sep 2012, Training on Research uptake, held at Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya
  • July, 2012, Score card management systems Training, school of Monetary studies, Nairobi, Kenya
  • Sep 2011, VicRes, Ethnobotany cluster workshop, Attended and presented a paper on Micronutrient Analysis of Pumpkins Leaves (Cucurbita maxima, c. moschata, c. pepo and a gourd lageneria ) Grown by Small Holder Farmers For Food Security In The Lake Victoria Basin, East Africa from Sep 4th-7th 2011, held at Entebbe, Uganda
  • July, 2011, Methodology and publishing workshop, KUCC, Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya
  • June, 2010, Participated in the 17th Biennial International Conference of the International Society for Comparative Physical Education and sports (ISCPES) held at Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya. From 6th -8th 2010.
  • July, 2009, Training on Management of University schools, at La Mada hotel, 28th-30th, Nairobi, Kenya
  • May, 2009, Regional Deans training workshop with Partnership For Higher Education in Africa (PHEA), 19TH-21ST at KUCC, Kenyatta University
  • May 2009, VicRes Annual forum conference, School of monetary studies, Nairobi, Kenya
  • May, 2008, VicRes Annual forum conference, Ngurndoto Mountain lodge Hotel,Arusha, Tanzania
  • April, 2008, VicRes Ethnobotany cluster seminar, Botanical PanAfric Hotel, Entebe,Uganda
  • March 2008, VicRes Lead Sciencetist workshop. Njinja Nile resort, Uganda.
  • April 2007, Managers induction seminar, Training on Managerial skills, Utalii College center, Nairobi, Kenya.
  • November, 2006, VicRes Team leader’s seminar. Njinja Nile resort, Uganda. Training on leadership and research reporting skills.
  • May/June, 2006, International federation for Aging (IFA) Copenhagen, Netherlands. Presented a paper on the Nutritional impact of poverty and Aging.
  • March/April, 2006, VicRes harmonization management workshop. International Center for Capacity Building(ICAD). Nairobi, Kenya. Proposal development and harmonization
  • March/April, 2005, VicRes harmonization management workshop. International Center for Capacity Building(ICAD). Nairobi, Kenya. Proposal development and harmonization.
  • May, 2004, Kenyatta University. Participated on international Gerontology induction workshop organized by Kenyatta University, Georgia State University and Help-Age Kenya. May 24th-26th 2004.
  • March, 2004, Panaffric Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya. Participated a workshop on Qualitative and Quantitative poverty analysis Techniques Organized by KIPPRA, Kenya March 11th ,2004.
  • March, 2002, Kenyatta University module writing workshop. Participated on module writing session
  • August 1995, Attended an International Society of Poets convention and symposium held in Washington DC. USA
  • March, 2004, Kenyatta University. Organized and presented a paper at an international Environmental Health workshop at Kenyatta University, March, 25th-27th 2004
  • April, 2002, Kenya Catholic Secretariat Organization - National women and Gender development section , Amani conference center Nairobi, Facilitated a session on Home-Office stress management.

Convening and Coordinating Conferences/Workshops/Seminars

  • 2024, 6th International Business Research and Industrial Conference (IBRIC) hosted by the School of Business, Economics and Tourism – Kenyatta University on 27th and 28th June, 2024 under the theme: Business intelligence and innovations for sustainable development.
  • 2024, Student and Alumni workshop, for the department of community Resource Management held on March 27th at Kenyatta University
  • 2018, Coordinating and organizing school annual training seminars for staff and postgraduate students, at BSSC, Kenyatta University
  • 2017, Coordinating and organizing school annual training seminars for staff and postgraduate students, at BSSC, Kenyatta University
  • 2016, Organizing and hosting the seminar on Entrepreneurship and sustainable development in Hospitality and tourism in Kenya, held on 16th March 2016, Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya
  • 2016, coordinating the School curriculum review, held at Kenyatta University conference Center, Nairobi, Kenya
  • 2012, Coordinating the School Strategic plan workshop, Held at Kenyatta University Conference center, Nairobi, Kenya
  • 2012, Coordinating School curriculum review workshop, held at Kenyatta University Conference center, Nairobi, Kenya
  • 2012, Coordinating School forum seminar, Positioning Tourism and Hospitality in Kenya’s Socio-economic Agenda (The vision 2030).
  • 2009 to 2018, coordinating the Bi -annual postgraduate Seminar for grandaunts at the school of hospitality and Tourism, Kenyatta University
  • July 2010, Appointed by the Vice Chancellor into A committee to organize an international conference on Family Strength in African Context, held at North coast hotel, Mombasa, Kenya

Academic Leadership, Research and recognition
Research Grants Won

  • Principal investigator (Team Leader) for a research project funded by VICRES on: Evaluation and analyisis of Pumpkins(Cucurbita maxima, c. moschata, c. pepo and a gourd lageneria ) for food security in the Lake Victoria Basin. From 2006-2012
  • In a Corroborative research with KU, Equity bank and RBA for a Research on: Quality of life among the elderly populations in Kenya.
  • Initiated international Curriculum development for Federal Polytechnic of Bauchi, Nigeria, and Koforidua Technical University, Ghana - where Many international students joined KU to pursue various degree programmes. From 2006-2018 still ongoing
  • Principal investigator for carrying out a study on: Situational analysis of HIV/AIDS on the workplace, Funded by KEPSA(2004).

External Examiner

  • 2017 Appointed External examiner for Makerere University
  • 2017, Appointed external examiner for Alupe University
  • 2014, Appointed External Examiner for Mt. Kenya University
  • 2013, Appointed External Examiner for Moi University


Attracting Research and development funding:

  • 2010, Received Research Grant from ViCRES, Second funding, $23,000
  • 2011, Received Research Grant from VICRES, Third Funding, $15,500
  • 2012, Received Research Grant From VICRES, supplementary, $5,000
  • D Curriculum development consultancy for Koforidua Technical University, Ghana bringing about 8 million to KU as fee payments
  • Post-graduate diploma and Masters programmes for Federal Polytechnic of Bauchi bringing about 7 million to KU as fees
  • Increased number of students enrollment at the school from all levels (diploma, BSc, Masters and Ph.D since 2010 to date which means lots of revenue to the University

Community service and outreach

Community service

  • 2014 to 2023: Appointed into the Governing Council of Kiriri University of Science And Technology
  • Awarded community service recognition certificate for outstanding performance and leadership by Kenyatta University Seventy Day Adventist church for having served as the Patron of the church and being head of family ministry 2011-2017
  • Awarded by Eco tourism training warrior award of the year (2012) for promoting responsible and sustainable tourism training programme with community development and nature conservancy. Sponsored by7 African fund for endangered wildlife (AFEW).

Initiating/ Leading External Collaborations : I initiated the following collaborations during my tenure as chair and dean to build capacity

  1. Federal Polytechnic of Bauchi, Nigeria
  2. The Marriot Hotels Internationals, Middle East
  3. Rwanda Tourism University college, Kigali, Rwanda
  4. James Madison University (USA)
  5. North Dakota State University (USA)
  6. East Carolina State University (USA)
  7. California State University –East Bay (USA)
  8. Oklahoma State University (USA)
  9. University of Trier (Germany)
  10. University of Lugano, Switzerland
  11. Koforidua Technical University, Ghana

University Administration positions and Responsibilities

  1. March 2009 to October 2018: Appointed Dean, school of Hospitality and Tourism.
  2. June 2006 to March 2009: Appointed Chairman, Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management
  3. September, 2003 to June 2006, Appointed Coordinator, Board of Postgraduate Studies, department of Family & Consumer studies
  4. 1999/2000-2002/2003 academic years: Appointed Departmental Examination officer, department of Family & Consumer studies
  5. February, 2005, Appointed Programme Coordinator for all academic programmes in the department of Family and Consumer Sciences.
  6. 2002/2003 academic year, Appointed Coordinator Board of Undergraduate Studies and student advisor.
  7. October, 1998-2001, Appointed Child Care Coordinator Family and Consumer Sciences Lab.

Professional affiliations and portfolios

  • Member of eco-tourism Kenya (Eco-Kenya)
  • Member of Hospitality Hotels in Africa(AHSA)
  • Member of Tourism Professional Association
  • Member of National council of Family relations


Department of Community Resource Management

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