- Anderson M. Mwito, Lucy W. Ngige & Jane N. Kieru (2022). Male Contraceptive Uptake and Associated Socio-Economic Characteristics in Kenya. East African Journal of Health and Science, Volume 5, Issue 1, 2022. ISSN-2707-3912 (Print) and 2707-3920 (Online) pages 26-35. DOI:
- Beatrice N. Bwabi , Jane Kieru & Maurice Kodhiambo (2021). Influence of socio demographic factors of female sex workers on utilizations of sexual reproductive health services in Nairobi City County, Kenya. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 11, Issue 10, October 2021 493 ISSN 2250-3153 DOI: 10.29322/IJSRP.11.10.2021.p11856
- Perrista M. Makau, Margaret N. Kerake & Jane N. Kieru, Vincent O. Matoke & Okari M. Geoffrey (2021). Attitude towards utilization of family planning services among women of reproductive age living with disability in Kajiado County, Kenya. International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health. pISSN 2394-6032 | eISSN 2394-6040, DOI:
- Lucy W. Ngige, Michael Mbito & Kieru N. Jane (2020). Perceptions of parenting behaviours and adolescent self-esteem outcomes in Kenya. EAS Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies., Vol. 2 Issue 2 Mar-Apr 2020. Online ISSN: 2663-6751, Print ISSN: 2663-1865 Doi:10.36349/EASJHCS:2020.V02I02.006
- Lucy W. Ngige & Kieru N. Jane (2020). Socio-cultural barriers to prevention of HIV and AIDS among HIV sero positive adults in Kenya. EAS Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies., Vol.2 Issue 1 Jan-Feb 2020. Online ISSN: 2663-6743, Print ISSN: 2663-0958 Doi:10.36349/EASJHCS:2020.V02I01.07
- Mburung’a S.M., Nderitu A. W. & Kieru J. N. (2017). Influence of grant financing on sustainability of community water projects in Kieni Constituency, Nyeri County, Kenya. International Journal of Innovative Research and Knowledge., vol 2 issue 5, May 2017 Online ISSN: 2213-1356
- Mburung’a S.M., Nderitu A. W. & Kieru J. N. (2017). Influence of water tariffs on sustainability of community water projects in Kieni Constituency, Nyeri County, Kenya. Global Scholastic Research Journal of Multidisciplinary.,vol-3 issue-3 (April-May 2017) Online ISSN: 2349-9397Â
- Kathuri-Ogola L., VanLeeuwen, C., Kabaria-Muriithi J., Weeks L. E., Kieru J. & Ndayala P. (2015). Supervision challenges encountered during Kenyan university students’ practicum attachment. Journal of Education and Practice. vol. 6, No. 17, 2015:ISSN 2222-1735 (paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
- Kieru J. N., Ngige L.W. & Alice N. Ondigi A.N. (2015). Factors associated with reproductive behavior of low income mothers in Kiandutu slum in Thika Municipality, Kenya. Journal of Asian Social Science; Canadian Center of Science and Education 11 No. 24 2015 Doi: 10.5539/ass.v11n24p350. ISSN1911-2017; E-ISSN 1911-2025
Conference Presentations
- Anderson Mwito & Dr. Jane Kieru Influence of men socio-demographic characteristics on contraceptive uptake in Maua Division, Meru County, Kenya Machakos, Kenya 17th-19th April 2018
- Dr. Jane N. Kieru:Feasibility of using telemedicine or the toll free line to increase uptake of sexual and reproductive health information among 10-24 year olds in Kisumu County.Kisumu, Keny.6th -29th May, 2015
- Dr. Jane Kieru,Barriers to Self-efficacy in HIV Prevention among People Living with HIV and AIDS in Thika District, Kiambu County, Kenya.,24th July 2014.
- Jane Kieru Co-authors: Dr. L. Ngige & Dr. G. Msangi, Socio-cultural barriers to HIV prevention in the context of Gender-Based Violence among People living with HIV and AIDS in Thika District, Kenya. Nairobi, Kenya, 1st-3rd August, 2012
- Dr. L. Kathuri. Co-authors: J.Kieru, J. Muriithi & P. Ndayala, From Replication to Analysis: Experiences of the Adoption of Innovative Assessment and Evaluation Strategies by the Department of Community Resource Management & Extension, Kenyatta University Canada
- Jane Kieru, Co-authors: Dr. L. Ngige & Dr. A. Ondigi , Selected Factors Associated with Reproductive Behaviour among Low Income Mothers in Kiandutu Slum, Thika, Kenya, Mombasa, Kenya 20th -24th July 2010
- Assistant researcher,2015-2018:Influence of men perception on contraceptive uptake in Maua Division, Meru County, Kenya.
- Assistant researcher.2015:An end-line survey on outcome measurement on sexual and reproductive health of the youth for Access Services & Knowledge and Unite for Body Rights Programmes
- Assistant researcher.2014-2015:An Operational Research on feasibility of using telemedicine or the toll free line to increase uptake of sexual and reproductive health information among 10-24 year olds in Kisumu County for Access Services & Knowledge and Unite for Body Rights Programmes.
- Kenyatta University (KU) & University of Prince Edward Island (UPEI) (Part of KU team) 2011-2015.An Evidence-Based Approach to Enhancing Kenyan University Student Training and Preparation for Professional Practice Canadian International Development Research Centre.60,000
- Self, 2003-2008, Selected Factors Associated with Reproductive Behaviour among Low Income Mothers in Kiandutu Slum, Thika, Kenya.
- Self, 2010-2013,Self Efficacy in HIV Prevention among people living with HIV and AIDS: A case of Prevention with Positives in Thika district, Kenya Kenyatta University (Tutorial Fellow Research Grants)
- Kenyatta University, 2011-2015(KU) & University of Prince Edward Island (UPEI) (Part of KU team), An Evidence-Based Approach to Enhancing Kenyan University Student Training and Preparation for Professional Practice, Canadian International Development Research Centre
- Kieru, J.N. & Ngige L.W. (2015). Social- cultural barriers to the prevention of HIV and AIDS in the context of gender based violence in Kiambu County, Kenya. In Mwaura P. (Ed). Gender-based violence: Multicultural Perspectives: Kenyatta University Press. In Press.
Funded Projects
- Self, 2010-2013, Self Efficacy in HIV Prevention among People Living with HIV and AIDS: A Case of Prevention with Positives in Thika district, Kenya Kenyatta University (Tutorial Fellow Research Grants)
- Kenyatta University (KU) & University of Prince Edward Island (UPEI) (Part of KU team), 2011-2015, An Evidence-Based Approach to Enhancing Kenyan University Student Training and Preparation for Professional Practice Canadian International Development Research Centre
Community Work and Volunteer Experience
- Chairperson, Christian Education Committee at Presbyterian Church of East Africa- Ridges Congregation (2015 January- to date).
- Secretary, Christian Education Committee at Presbyterian Church of East Africa- Kamiti Parish Level (2017 to date)
- Youth Mentor, Presbyterian Church of East Africa- Ridges Congregation (Ongoing).
- Volunteer work with PLWHA in two support groups within Thika District, Kenya on imparting knowledge on issues on sexual and reproductive health behavior (2008-2012).
- A volunteer with a Children’s Home in Thika District- Ruiru. A Home for Orphaned and Vulnerable Children (OVCs) due to HIV/AIDS related deaths of parents (1998-2002).
- Administrative Positions Held To Date
- Chairperson, Department of Population Reproductive Health and Community Resource Management (October 2018 - To Date)
- Chairperson, Department of Community Resource Management & Extension (July,2016-To September 2018)
- Acting Dean, School of Applied Human Sciences:9th -22nd April 2018; 18th – 21st December, 2017 and 29th August-7th September, 2016.
- Acting Chairperson, Department of Community Resource Management and Extension:10th November 2014- 20th March 2015, 2nd – 16th May 2013, 12th-30th November 2012,30th May-25th June 2012 and 8th April –20th May 2011
- Departmental Co-ordinator, Board of Post Graduate Studies Committee (2010 to 2016).
- Departmental Co-ordinator, Quality Management Systems Committee (September 2011 to 2016)
- Departmental Representative , Directorate of Community Outreach (May 2013 to 2014).
- Departmental Coordinator, Finance Income Generation Committee (July 2016 to date)
- Departmental Coordinator, KUSA Sponsored Project Committee (July 2016 to date)