As the administrative and academic head of the School, Prof.. Wawire provides strategic guidance on implementation of the school of Econ Economics Strategic Plan and Annual Work Plans for timely feedback to the university. Prof. Wawire previously worked as a Chairman of the Department of Applied Economics for four years where he was the administrative and academic head, and chief examination officer. Together with other colleagues, Prof. Wawire made a bold step to start a Ph.D in Economics degree programme by coursework, which was the first of its kind in Kenya. He was involved in writing of proposals for the establishment of the School of Economics, Kenyatta University Teaching and Referral Hospital, and K.U Uni-City.
Prof. Wawire holds a PhD (Economics), MA (Economics) and Bachelor of Education (Economics and Business Studies). He has over 19 years experience in teaching, research and consultancy work with a concentration on Macroeconomics, Public Sector Economics, Research Methods, Project Planning, Implementation and Management, Project Monitoring and Evaluation. Prof. Wawire provides high level policy training, review, advisory and technical facilitation and training support to Kenyatta University and other organizations such as AERC, Government and academia. Prof. Wawire has consulted/researched for international organizations such as UNCRD, The World Bank, OSSREA, AERC, UNESCO,AfDB(African Development Bank),Barclays Bank of Kenya Limited and local ones such as IPAR and KIPPRA. He has been a co-editor for various International Journals. A reviewer for the research papers and research proposals submitted for publication to African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) and the Institute of Policy Analysis and Research (IPAR). He is a resource person at the AERC Joint Facility for Electives (JFE) and offers consultant services in matters related to comprehensive examinations and syllabuses. Prof. Wawire has been involved reviewing and developing degree programmes at Kenyatta University and AERC
In research, teaching, consultancy and development officer (Ministry of Planning and National Development) career, Prof. Wawire has become highly conversant with a wide range of issues on: gender and development, the working of fiscal policy, monetary policy, poverty; income inequalities; economic development; human capital. He has carried out research and published articles and books on a wide range of topics and themes including research on women projects in Kenya. He has supervised over 8 Ph.D in Economics theses and many masters theses.
- Wawire, N.H.W. (2022). Socio-Economic Impact Assessment of Value Added Tax Implementation in Liberia. Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, Liberia.
- Wawire, N.H.W. (2022). Assessment of Direct Tax Revenue Mobilization in Kenya, Addis Ababa: United Nations Economic Commission for Africa.
- Wawire, N.H.W. (2020). Constraints to Enhanced Revenue Mobilization and Spending Quality in Kenya. CGD Policy Paper 163. Washington, DC: Center for Global Development.
- Wawire, N. H. W. (2021). Impact of coronavirus pandemic on Kenya’s economy and the emerging investment opportunities. Centennials Group Holding LLC. Washington, DC: Country Note.
- Muguchu, J. Wawire, N.H.W. & Wambugu, A. (2020). Analysis of Value Added Tax Productivity in Kenya. Journal of Economics and Public Finance ISSN 2377-1038 (Print) ISSN 2377-1046 (Online) Vol. 6, No. 4, 2020.
- Mdoe, I. J, Omolo, J. Wawire, N.H.W. (2019), Bank Competitive Landscape and Competition in the Banking Sector in Kenya, African Review of Economics and Finance, [ISSN 2042-1478] Vol 11(1), 220-251
- Mukiri, D. M. Wawire, N.H.W. (2019). Effects of Institutional Reforms on Financial Sector Development in Selected East African Community Member States, Journal of Economics, Vol. 4, Issue 1, No.1. 1-15 [2518-8437]
- Imbogo, Z. Wawire, N.H.W. (2019). Analysis of the relationship between expenditure on oil imports and public spending on selected social services in Kenya, Journal of Economics Library, 6 Issue 3, 201- 224.
- Mdoe, I, J, Omolo, J. Wawire, N.H.W. (2018), Bank Competition in Kenya, Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade. Springer; htt:// ISSN 1566-1679
- Kirui, B. K. Wawire, N.H.W. (2018), Measures of Financial Constraints in Kenya. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 8(1), 217 – 231. Available at htt: ISSN 2146-4138.
- Oguso, A. Mwega, F.M, Wawire, N.H, Samanta, P. (2018). Analysis of Budget Imbalance Dynamics in Kenya. Journal of Economics and Public Finance.4. No. 4, 352 -377. ISSN: 2377. URL:
- Obebo, F. Wawire, N, Muniu, J. (2018). Determinants of participation of Micro and Small Enterprises in microfinance in Kenya. International Journal of Economics & Management Sciences. Vol.7:523.doi:10.4172/2162-6359.1000523. ISSN:2162-6359
- Obebo, F. Wawire, N. H. W. Muniu, J. (2018). Effects of participation of Micro and Small Enterprises in Microfinance on their performance in Kenya. International Journal of Economics and Finance. Vol. 10 No. 7. 78 - 88.
- Mwiathi, P.S. Wawire, N.H.W. Onono, P. A. O. (2018), Effects of Fiscal Decentralization on Poverty Reduction in Kenya. International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, Vol. 6 No. 1, PP.213 – 230. http//
- Mwakaje, Agnes G.; Manyasa, M.; Wawire, N.; Ongare, D.; Muchai, M.; Mugoya, C.; Masiga, C. W.; Nikundiwe, A. (2018). Income Generation and Governance Challenges by Local Communities in Protected Areas: The Case of Serengeti Mara Ecosystem (SME). COSTECH Integrated Repository, Institute of Resource Assessment, University of Dar es Salaam.URI:
- Otieno, D, A. Ngugi, R. W, and Wawire, N.H.W. (2017), The Global Financial Crisis, Inflation Rate and Stock Market Returns in Kenya. European Scientific Journal. Vol. 13, No. 19. PP. 191 – 210. ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print); ISSN 1857 – 7431 online.
- Otieno, D, A. Ngugi, R. W, and Wawire, N.H.W. (2017), Effects of Interest rate on stock Market Returns in Kenya. International Journal of Economics and Finance, Vol. 9 No. 8 PP. 40 – 50. ISSN 1916-971X; EISSN 1916-9728
- Sang, P. Wawire, N. W. Ombuki C. and Muathe, S. (2017), Institutional Influence on Sustainability of World Bank Funded Project in Kenya. International Journal of Current Advanced Research, Vol. 6 Issue 11, pp.7725 – 7730. ISSN: 2319-6475; P: 2319-6505, Impact Factor: SJIF: 5.995.
- Wawire, N.H.W, (2017); Determinants of Value Added Tax Revenue in Kenya; Journal of Economics Library, 4 Issue 3, PP. 322- 344.
- Oguso, A. Mwega, F.M, Wawire, N.H, Samanta, P. (2017). Constraints to Fiscal Consolidation Effort in Kenya: Analysis of the persistent growth in public recurrent costs. Journal of Economics, Management and Trade. 19(2): 1-20.
- Wekesa, C. T, Wawire, N.H.W, and Kosimbei, G. (2017). Effects of Infrastructure Development on Foreign Direct Investment in Kenya. Journal of Infrastructures Development, 8(2) 93-110, Sage Publications. DOI:1177/0974930616667875. Corpus ID: 56049239.
- Wawire, N.H.W, (2016); Analysis of Income Tax System Productivity in Kenya; Amity Journal of Economics, 1(2), 1-18. ISSN: 2455-9733 (Print), 2456-155X (Online), Amity University.
- Busolo, M. Wawire, N. Kabiru, J. (2016), Factors Affecting Access to Health Insurance products Provided by Microfinance Institutions in Western Province of Kenya. European Journal of Business and Strategic Management, Vol. 1 No. 1. PP. 60 – 80.
- Barasa, A. Z. Sang, P. Wawire, N.H. (2015), The effect of Availability of Funds on Income Generation Activities by Civil Society Organizations in Kenya. European Journal of Business and Social Sciences 4 No. 5. PP. 79 – 87.
- Tari J, Wawire, N. H. W. & Ombuki, C. (2015) Employer Related Determinants of Scheme Design in Occupational Defined Contribution Schemes in Kenya. European Journal of Business and Management ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online), Vol.7, No.6, 65 – 71
- Tari J, Wawire, N. H. W. & Ombuki, C. (2015) Trustee Related Determinants of Scheme Design in Occupational Defined Contribution Schemes in Kenya, Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online), Vol.6, No.3, 182 – 188
- Susan C. Nzioki,Stephen N. Nyambagera,Nelson H. Wawire, 2015,Effects of Cross Cultural factors on Knowledge management of Kenya Homegrown Multinationals Operating in East Africa,The International Journal Of Business & Management (ISSN 2321 –8916),Vol 3 Issue 4 April,2015
- H.W.N. Wawire, O. Charles, T. Justus, 2015, Employer Related Determinants of Scheme Design in Occupational Defined Contribution Schemes in Kenya, European Journal of Business and Management,ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online) Vol.7, No.6, 2015
- T. Justus, H.W. N. Wawire, O. Charles, 2015, Trustee Related Determinants of Scheme Design in Occupational Defined Contribution Schemes in Kenya, Research Journal of Finance and Accounting,ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper), ISSN 2222-2847 (Online),Vol.6, No.3, 2015
- Ngui, D. M, Muniu, J M, &Wawire, N. H. W. (2014) Determinants of Informal Sector Performance in the Rural Areas of Kenya: Evidence from Makueni County, In Mishra &Zabiulla (eds) Dynamics of Rural Transformation in Emerging Economies, New Dehli:Excel India Publishers. PP. 12-20
- Kirui, E. Wawire, N.H.W and Onono, P.A. (2014). “Macroeconomics variables, volatility and stock market returns: A case of National Securities Exchange, Kenya”; International Journal of Economics and Finance, vol. 6, no. 8 August. ISSN 1916-971X, Canadian Centre of Science and Education
- Makambi, S.A. Wawire, N.H.W. and Omolo, J. O.(2014) “Nature and dynamic of adjustment of commercial Banks’s Retail rates to monetary policy changes in Kenya” International Journal of Business and Social Sciences. (Accepted for publication)
- Ngui, D. M, Muniu, J M, &Wawire, N. H. W. (2014) Determinants of Informal Sector Performance in the Rural Areas of Kenya: Evidence from Makueni County, In Mishra &Zabiulla (eds) Dynamics of Rural Transformation in Emerging Economies, New Dehli:Excel India Publishers. PP. 12-20
- Onono, P. A. Wawire, N.H.W. Ombuki, C. (2013). “The response of Maize Production in Kenya to Economic Incentives” International Journal of Development and Sustainability. (Special issue: Development and sustainability in Africa-Part 2.ISSN 2186-8662.April.
- Muathe, S. M. A. Wawire, N.H.W. and Ofafa, G.A. (2013). “An empirical study on the relationship between organizational factors and adoption of ICT among health related SMEs in Nairobi, Kenya” International Journal of Arts and Commerce. Vol. 2 No. 3, March, 2013 (ISSN:1929-7106.
- Mwakaje, G. A., Manyasa, E. O., Wawire, N., Muchane, M., Ongare, D., Mugoya, C., Masiga, C. W., &Nikundiwe, A. (2013) Community-Based Conservation, Income, Governance, and Poverty Alleviation in Tanzania: The Case of Serengeti Ecosystem, Journal of Environment and Development, Vol. 22 No. 1, 51-73. SAGE
- Gachanja, P. Wawirewere, N. H. &Etyang Martin, (2013). Total factor productivity change in the Kenyan manufacturing sector: A Malmquist index Analysis. Herstellung, Verlag publisher, Scholars Press. ISBN: 978-3-639-51486-5
- Wawire, N.H.W, (2012); Determinants of Value Added Tax Revenue in Kenya; Journal of Business and Economics,New York: Academic star publishing company (Accepted as per attached paper acceptance notice)
- Okech, C. T, Wawire, N. H. W., Mburu T. K. (2011) “Empirical Analysis of Determinants of Demand for family Planning Services in Kenya’s City Slums” Global Journal of Health Sciences, Vol. 3 No. 2; October 2011, PP. 109- 117
- Okech, C. T, Wawire, N. H. W., Mburu T. K. (2011) “Contraceptive use among women of reproductive age in Kenya’s city slums”. International Journal of Business and Social Science Vol. 2 No. 1 Jan. 2011, PP. 22 - 43
- Nafukho, F. M., Wawire, N. H. W., and Lam, P. M. (2011). Management of Adult Education Organization in Africa. Cape Town: Pearson Education/UNESCO. ISBN: 97818689-1-8485. Wrote Chapters 3 (Management Approaches in Africa), 8 (Time management) and 9 (Financial Management).
- Wawire, N. H. W. 2011. “Management Approaches in Africa”, in Nafukho, F. M., Wawire, N. H. W., and Lam, P. M. (2011). Management of Adult Education Organization in Africa. Cape Town: Pearson Education/UNESCO. ISBN: 978 18689 1 8485.
- Wawire, N. H. W. 2011. “Time management in an organization”, in Nafukho, F. M., Wawire, N. H. W., and Lam, P. M. (2011). Management of Adult Education Organization in Africa. Cape Town: Pearson Education/UNESCO. ISBN: 978 18689 1 8485.
- Wawire, N. H. W. 2011. “Financial management”, Nafukho, F. M., Wawire, N. H. W., and Lam, P. M. (2011). Management of Adult Education Organization in Africa. Cape Town: Pearson Education/UNESCO. ISBN: 978 18689 1 8485.
- Kosimbei, G., Wawire, N. H. W. Mburu T. K. (2010). Budget deficits and macroeconomic performance in Kenya: An empirical Analysis. Saarbrucken:VDMVerlag Dr. Muller. ISBN: 978-3-639-30970-6
- Wawire, N. H. W. and Nafukho, F. M. (2010),“Factors Affecting the Management of Women Groups’ Micro and Small Enterprises in Kakamega District, Kenya”, Journal of European Industrial Training, March, pp. 128 - 152.
- Mwathia,P,. Wawire, N. H. W. Onuonga. S.M 2008.”Determinants of Adoption of Organic Farming by Maize Farmers in Meru South District” International Journal of Afro-Asian Studies. Volume 1 Number 1: Spring 2008:108 - 118
- Wawire, N. H. W. 2008. “Access to Credit by Women's Groups in Kenya”, In Sarkar, S. and Kiriti-Nganga, W. TGender Inequality in Developing Countries, New Delhi: Arise Publishers.ISBN:978-81-89937-60-7
- Wawire N. H. W and A.D. Thuo. 2007. “Economic Environmental Valuation”, Chapter 5, in Waswaet al,(eds)Environment and Sustainable Development: A Guide for Higher Education in Kenya, Vol II; Nairobi: School of Environmental Studies and Human Sciences, Kenyatta University, chapter 5, Pp. 67 – 83.
- Wawire N. H. W and Nafukho F. M (2006) Investment in Human Capital through Institutions of Higher Education for the revival of Kenya’s economy. In Nafukho, F. M. and Chen (eds) Proceedings of the Academy of Human Resource Development. Bowling Green, Ohio: AHRD, pp. 1184 - 1190
- Wawire N. H. W and Nafukho F. M (2006) Investment in Human Capital through Institutions of Higher Education for the revival of Kenya’s economy. In Nafukho, F. M. and Chen (eds) Proceedings of the Academy of Human Resource Development. Bowling Green, Ohio: AHRD, pp. 1184 - 1190
- Wawire N. H. W (2004) “The Economics of Pollution Control” In Keraka and Akunga (eds) Environmental Health Education in Eastern Africa Region: Challenges and the Way Forward. Nairobi: UNICEF /Kenyatta University (ISBN: 0001-0001-1)
- Wawire N. H. W (2004) "Disparities that Affect People with Disabilities in Kenya. In Momanyi, C. and Wawire N. H. W (eds)Disparities in Developing Countries: Types, Challenges and the Way Forward. Vol. 1 Disparities in Social Sciences, Politics and Gender.Nairobi:Association of Third World Studies- Kenya Chapter. Pp. 157 -162 (ISBN 9966-9969-18)
- Nafukho F. M and WawireN. H. W (2004) "Developing Entrepreneurial Universities in Africa". In Momanyi, C. and Wawire N. H. W (Eds)Disparities in Science, Technology, Environment, HIV/AIDS and Education. Vol.2.Nairobi: Association of Third World Studies- Kenya Chapter. Pp. 196 -203 (ISBN 9966-9969-19)
- Wawire N. H. W. (2003) “The Role of Tertiary Education in Revamping Kenya’s Declining Economic Growth". In Akuno et al (Eds) Higher Education in Africa: Issues in Management and Leadership. Selected Proceeding of International Conference on Transformation of higher Education management and leadership for efficacy in Africa Held at Kenyatta University Nov. 12th - 16th 2001. Pp. 272 - 290
- Wawire N. H. W. (2003) “The Role of Tertiary Education in Revamping Kenya’s Declining Economic Growth". In Akuno et al (Eds) Higher Education in Africa: Issues in Management and Leadership. Selected Proceeding of International Conference on Transformation of higher Education management and leadership for efficacy in Africa Held at Kenyatta University Nov. 12th - 16th 2001. Pp. 272 - 290
- Wawire N.H.W. (2003) “Trends in Kenya's Tax Ratios and Tax Effort Indices, and Their Implications for Future Tax Reforms". Egerton Journal. Vol. IV, Numbers 2&3. Njoro: Egerton University Press. Pp. 256 - 279 (ISSN 1021-1128)
- Wawire N. H. W. (2000)“Revenue productivity Implications of Kenya’s Tax System”In KwesiKwaaPrah and A. G. Ahmed (Eds.) Africa in Transformation: Political and Economic Issues. Vol.1 Chapter 6. Addis Ababa: OSSREA pp. 99 - 106 (ISBN 1-919799-31-1)
Conferences Presentations
- Ngui, D. M, Muniu, J M, & Wawire, N. H. W. (2014) Determinants of Informal Sector Performance in the Rural Areas of Kenya: Evidence from Makueni County, In Mishra & Zabiulla (eds) Dynamics of Rural Transformation in Emerging Economies, New Dehli:Excel India Publishers. PP. 12-20
- Organizing, through the Department of Applied Economics, an African Union Scientific committee meeting held at Kenyatta University, May, 2012
- 30thAugust, 2012: Income tax revenue productivity in Kenya, A Paper presented at African Economics Research Consortium JFE, Seminar Series 2012.
- 20th – 22nd March, 2011. “Determinants of Value Added Tax Revenue in Kenya”. A Paper presented at Centre for the Study of African Economies (CSAE) 2011 Conference. Theme: Economic Development in Africa. University of Oxford, St. Catherine College.
- 18th – 20th November, 2010: Presentation of best bet practices for ASARECA/World Bank sponsored Biodiversity (BASE) project workshops, Mugumu (Tanzania): Facilitator.
- 14th – 17th November, 2010: Presentation of best bet practices for ASARECA/World Bank sponsored Biodiversity (BASE) project workshops, Narok (Kenya): Facilitator.
- 29th July, 2010, The determinants of value added tax revenue in Kenya, Nelson H. W. Wawire, A Paper presented at African Economics Research Consortium JFE, Seminar Series 2010.
- 9th July, 2009, Social Capital Formation in Rural Areas of Western Province of Kenya: An Empirical Analysis, by, Emmanuel Manyasa, Nelson H. W. Wawire and Martin N. Etyang. A Paper presented at African Economics Research Consortium JFE, Seminar Series 2009.
- 14th - 16th November, 2007 Factors affecting the management of women groups micro, small and medium enterprises in Kakamega district, Kenya
- 5th June 2007: Views on the consultant’s report on Kenya Institute of Business Training (KIBT) mandate. Review of KIBT Mandate Workshop, Utali Hotel, Organized by the Ministry of Trade and Industries.
- 2 - 28, April, 2007: Trainer, Project planning and management, data collection and analysis (02 - 28, April, 2007, Adaama, Ethiopia. Sponsored by United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD) African Office)
- 5th - 7th February, 2007 The Collaborative Ph.D degree Programme (CPP) in Economics for Sub-Saharan Africa: A meeting of teams of experts to set comprehensive examination papers in core and elective fields, Panari Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya, report
- 14th to 16th Sept. 2004Wawire N. H. W. Access to Credit by Women's Groups in Kakamega District, Kenya: Challenges and Opportunities. Association of Third World Studies - Kenya Chapter. University of East Africa, Baraton.
- 12th August 2004.Godia G, and Wawire N.H W. Strategic Plan for the Directorate of Personnel Management, Lenana House, Nairobi
- 24th to 26th March 2004 Wawire N. H. W The Economics of Pollution Control. International Environmental Health Education Workshop in Eastern Africa Region: Challenges and the Way Forward.
- 17th to 19th Sep. 2003 Wawire N. H. W Disparities that Affect People With Disabilities. Fourth International Conference of the Association of Third World Studies Held at Kenyatta University
- 17th to 19th Sep. 2003 Nafukho F. M and Wawire N. H. W Developing Entrepreneurial Universities in Africa. Fourth International Conference of the Association of Third World Studies Held at Kenyatta University
- 18/9/2002 - 20/9/2002 Wawire N. H. W Tax Reform and Tax Revenue Mobilization for Economic Development in Kenya. Third ATWS International Conference.
- 23/5/2002 - 24/5/2002 Wawire N. H. W The Forgotten People: An Analysis of the Socio-economic Status of People with Disabilities In Kenya. DAAD Limuru
- 17/2/2002 – 22/2/2002 Wawire N. H. W. Revamping Kenya’s Economic Growth through African Growth and Opportunity Act: A myth in the making or a reality? KAMESA Conference
- 16/11/2001–19/11/2001 Wawire N. H. W. The Role of Tertiary Education in Revamping Kenya’s Declining Economic Growth. International Conference on Transformation of higher Education management and leadership for efficacy in Africa. Nairobi- Kenya
- 16/9/2001 - 19/9/2001 Wawire N.H.W. The Future of Kenya's Tax system. Association of Third World Studies 2nd conference, Egerton University, Njoro.
- 10/7/2001 - 11/7/2001 Wawire N. H. W. Improving Rural Women's Access to credit and Financial services from commercial Banks and Micro-finance institutions in Kenya: A case study of Women's Groups in Kakamega District. International conference on Finance and Development: Evidence and Policy Issues. Grand Regency Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya.
- 15/11/2000-17/11/ 2000 Wawire N H W and Nafukho F M. Management of Women Groups’ Projects in Kakamega District. The 1st Annual Conference of the Association of the Third World Studies- Kenya Chapter. Sirikwa Hotel- Eldoret.
- 15/11/2000-17/11/ 2000:Nafukho F M and Wawire N H W. Investment in Human Capital for Development: The Central Role of Universities in Kenya. The 1st annual conference of the Association of the Third World Studies – Kenya chapter. Sirikwa Hotel- Eldoret, 15th to 17th November 2000.
- 3/11/96-8/11/96: Wawire N H W Revenue Productivity Implications of Kenya's TaxSystem. Fifth OSSREA Congress Paper. Bellville Inn, Cape Town, South Africa.
- 25/7/96-28/7/96: Wawire N H W Revenue Productivity Implications of Kenya's Tax System. OSSREA Moi University Sub-Chapter Paper. Bongo Hotel, Kitale, Kenya.
- 13/12-16/12/94: Wawire N H W An Assessment of Tax Revenue Performance in Kenya. Independent Review Conference Paper, Sponsored by Swedish International Development Authority (S.I.D.A), Silver Spring Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya.
- 4/7/93-10/7/93: Migori District Development Plan 1994 - 96Parkvilla, Webuye, Kenya.
- 18/12/92: Wawire N H W Performance of Industrial Vegetable Oil Processing Sector in Kenya. Jacaranda Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya.